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Shoham Sabach (nonlinear optimization)

Google Scholar user=42D12TkAAAAJ

Angelia Nedich (optimization over networks)

Google Scholar user=86PxxsoAAAAJ

Dan Garber (algorithmic optimization)

Google Scholar user=kUe1sZEAAAAJ

Michael Zibulevsky (ML and optimization, nice classes on youtube)

Google Scholar user=yKP7IwIAAAAJ

Shmirit Stern (data-driven, large-scale optimization)

Google Scholar user=Aq9GoRIAAAAJ

Moscow State University
Department of Mechanics and Mathematics

Department of Extreme Problems*

Dimitris Bertsimas (optimization with business applications)

Google Scholar user=prKmkzMAAAAJ

Last update: 2022-11-29
Created: 2022-11-29